Frequently Asked Questions
b>Neck pain can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples include prolonged straining (looking up or down), sleeping in an uncomfortable position, stress, chiropractic manipulation or wearing heavy necklaces.
A herniated disc is frequently treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, if the pain is only mild to moderate. An epidural steroid injection may be performed utilizing a spinal needle under X-ray guidance to direct the medication to the exact level of the disc herniation.
Back surgery might be an option if other treatments haven’t worked, and your pain is disabling. Many people with back pain also have pain that goes down a leg. These symptoms are often caused by pinched nerves in the spine.
The most common cause of spinal stenosis is wear-and-tear changes in the spine related to arthritis. People who have severe cases of spinal stenosis may need surgery.
For a healthy pregnancy, your doctor will probably want to see you on the following recommended schedule of prenatal visits: Weeks 4 to 28: 1 prenatal visit a month. Weeks 28 to 36: 1 prenatal visit every 2 weeks. Weeks 36 to 40: 1 prenatal visit every week.
IUDs and contraceptive implants can be used by all women of childbearing age, including teens. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that IUDs and the arm implant should be the first-line choice for young women who are sexually active
Dyspareunia is the most common sexual dysfunction. Causes may be narrow vagina, tough hymen, vulval infection, urethral disease, vaginitis, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease etc. Treatment depends on the cause. Often, sex education of both the partners relieves the symptoms.
Common symptoms include hot flashes and vaginal dryness. There may also be sleep disturbances. The combination of these symptoms can cause anxiety or depression.